Avoid Ad BlockersHow to avoid ad blockers with Broadstreet. Broadstreet is capable of avoiding detection by ad blockers through a combination of technology related to creatives and the use of domain white-labeling. It can be enabled by request for most websites with a few changes to their DNS system (which can very often be performed by the respective domain host).

The first thing to do in regard to DNS is to set up two custom domains/subdomains pointing to bs-adserver.b-cdn.net and broadstreet.b-cdn.net.

Similar to:

CNAME sponsors.yoursite.com -> bs-adserver.b-cdn.net
CNAME static.yoursite.com -> broadstreet.b-cdn.net

After that, we’ll add some entries to recognize the new domains on our end and run a short process to migrate your ads.

The last step involves using a different URL for the init.js script and including one extra line of javascript on your site.

Whitelabeling is included with our VIP tier but is also available as an add on feature for our Business tier.