Alva is an AI-based assistant for Broadstreet users.

It’s designed to answer simple support questions, automate basic tasks, and provide strategy advice based on Broadstreet’s past writings, teachings and webinars.

Things like —

  • My advertiser never asks for reports, should I still send them?
  • What key points should I include in my media kit?
  • Are there any sales training resources available?
  • Can you create a sample ad for Surf Taco in Red Bank?
  • Can you run a report for Surf Taco for the last week?
  • Can you give me some good news for the Surf Taco report that i can send to the client?

We take full credit for anything bright and brilliant that Alva might provide, and condemn all that is even remotely dimwitted.

Named primarily after one of the greatest innovators of all time, Thomas Alva Edison (New Jersey fella, by the way), Alva’s name also stands for Advertising [something beginning with ‘L’] Virtual Assistant.

If you have ideas on that, let us know.

At Broadstreet, we think of ourselves us creative, rapid innovators — and we hope we can shine so much as a candle for our industry relative to what innovators like Edison did, whose contributions literally lit up the world.

Of course, Edison isn’t the only innovator we admire. There’s Benjamin Franklin, Jobs, Da Vinci, and many others.

Separately, did you know that both Edison and Franklin had a history in printing newspapers?

Enjoy playing with Alva and let us know what you’d love it to be able to do for you.