
Expand the audience of your advertiser’s Youtube videos and articles. Perfect for advertisers who produce high-value video and written content that deserves more attention! This format has a light and simple design and is quick to create.

Supported Sizes

300x250 (fixed)

300x600 (fixed)

728x90 (fixed)

800x600 (fixed)

970x250 (fixed)

1x1 (flexible)

4x1 (flexible)

Setup / Inputs

These are the fields / inputs taken to generate this ad. In general, inputs are not required. That said, these inputs are how you customize the ad!

Size of Advertisement
Available in:
  • 300x250 (fixed)
  • 300x600 (fixed)
  • 728x90 (fixed)
  • 800x600 (fixed)
  • 970x250 (fixed)
  • 1x1 (flexible)
  • 4x1 (flexible)
The size of the advertisement.
Default Destination URL
The advertisement's default link. Will be used if an individual article does not have a specific link.
Facebook Link
An optional facebook profile link to be displayed on the advertisement. (If this field is left blank the facebook icon will not show on the advertisement)
Instagram Link
An optional instagram profile link to be displayed on the advertisement. (If this field is left blank the instagram icon will not show on the advertisement)
Twitter Link
An optional twitter profile link to be displayed on the advertisement. (If this field is left blank the twitter icon will not show on the advertisement)
LinkedIn Link
An optional LinkedIn profile link to be displayed on the advertisement. (If this field is left blank the linkedin icon will not show on the advertisement)
Advertisement Title
Mayo Clinic
The title of the advertisement.
Brand Video
Enter the URL of the video you would like to appear on the advertisement.
Article Title, Article Link (Mutliple)
(nested value)
The healthcare provider's article titles and its links. The links are optional and should be used to direction traffic to a specific URL other than the above default destination.
Healthcare Provider Logo Image
(nested value)
The logo of the company this advertisement is advertising.
Autoplay on Mute?
Should the video autoplay on mute? Note: Some browsers disable all auto-playing videos, notably mobile Safari

Embed An Example In Your Media Kit

Customers who wish to embed the example on some "Media Kit" page on their website can do so in one of two ways:

Option 1: If you have Wordpress and the Broadstreet plugin, you can use this shortcode anywhere in any post to render the example.

[broadstreet ad="919551"]

Option 2: If you do not have Wordpress, or choose not install the Broadstreet plugin, you can embed this javascript code snippet into your post:

<div street-address="919551"></div><script>
    (function(d, s) {
    var destination = '%%CLICK_URL_ESC%%';
    var js, bjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];
    js = d.createElement(s); js.async = true;
    js.src = "//"
        + (window.broadstreet ? 'init=0' : '')
        + (destination.indexOf('CLICK_URL_ESC') >= 0
        ? '' : '&destination=' + destination);
    bjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, bjs);
    }(document, 'script'));</script>