If you're in a pinch and need a quick ad or spec ad, just upload a photo, enter some business details, and voilà, an ad.
Setup / Inputs
These are the fields / inputs taken to generate this ad. In general, inputs are not required. That said, these inputs are how you customize the ad!
Business Name
The name of the business

An to place in the middle of the ad
The width of the ad in pixels
The height of the ad in pixels
Contact Information
123 Andover St, Belmont, ME
The contact of the business details
Extra Details
Open 7am - 10pm - (841) 432-5678
A second line of details
Show Full Picture
Show the full picture uploaded instead of being partially overlayed by your text. Setting this to 'Yes' will override your height restriction above
Embed An Example In Your Media Kit
Customers who wish to embed the example on some "Media Kit" page on their website can do so in one of two ways:
Option 1: If you have Wordpress and the Broadstreet plugin, you can use this shortcode anywhere in any post to render the example.
[broadstreet ad="30370"]
Option 2: If you do not have Wordpress, or choose not install the Broadstreet plugin, you can embed this javascript code snippet into your post:
<div street-address="30370"></div><script> (function(d, s) { // CLICK MACRO AND CONFIGURATION SECTION var destination = '%%CLICK_URL_ESC%%'; // DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE var js, bjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; js = d.createElement(s); js.async = true; js.src = "//" + (window.broadstreet ? 'init=0' : '') + (destination.indexOf('CLICK_URL_ESC') >= 0 ? '' : '&destination=' + destination); bjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, bjs); }(document, 'script'));</script>