
Excite real estate advertisers by promoting their eye-catching homes. Leave behind real estate business card ads for a stylish gallery ad format that features 1-2 high quality photos, list prices, address, and optionally incorporate agent contact information – a simple light design.

Supported Sizes

300x250 (fixed)

300x600 (fixed)

728x90 (fixed)

800x600 (fixed)

970x250 (fixed)

1x1 (flexible)

4x1 (flexible)

Event Tracking

In addition to core event tracking, this ad format also tracks these events:

  • House One Clicks: The amount of times the first house was clicked.
  • House Two Clicks: The amount of times the second house was clicked.
  • House Three Clicks: The amount of times the third house was clicked.

Setup / Inputs

These are the fields / inputs taken to generate this ad. In general, inputs are not required. That said, these inputs are how you customize the ad!

Size of Advertisement
Available in:
  • 300x250 (fixed)
  • 300x600 (fixed)
  • 728x90 (fixed)
  • 800x600 (fixed)
  • 970x250 (fixed)
  • 1x1 (flexible)
  • 4x1 (flexible)
The size of the advertisement.
Destination URL
The default destination url to be used.
Accent Color
The accent color of the advertisement.
House #1
(nested value)
The picture, address, and description of the first house with an optional link.
Price of House #1
This is the price of the first house.
House #2
(nested value)
The picture, address, and description of the second house (This house does not show up on the 300x250, 728x90 and 800x600 sizes)
Price of House #2
This is the price of the second house
House #3
(nested value)
The picture, address, and description of the third house (This house only shows up on the 4x1 and the 970x250 sizes)
Price of House #3
This is the price of the third house
Realtor Picture or Logo
Default Value
The agent's picture or logo.
First Name of Realtor Agent or Business Name
The agent's first name
Last Name of Realtor Agent
The agent's last name
Phone Number of Realtor
The agent's phone number
Email of Realtor
The agent's email address

Embed An Example In Your Media Kit

Customers who wish to embed the example on some "Media Kit" page on their website can do so in one of two ways:

Option 1: If you have Wordpress and the Broadstreet plugin, you can use this shortcode anywhere in any post to render the example.

[broadstreet ad="245098"]

Option 2: If you do not have Wordpress, or choose not install the Broadstreet plugin, you can embed this javascript code snippet into your post:

<div street-address="245098"></div><script>
    (function(d, s) {
    var destination = '%%CLICK_URL_ESC%%';
    var js, bjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];
    js = d.createElement(s); js.async = true;
    js.src = "//"
        + (window.broadstreet ? 'init=0' : '')
        + (destination.indexOf('CLICK_URL_ESC') >= 0
        ? '' : '&destination=' + destination);
    bjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, bjs);
    }(document, 'script'));</script>