
Best seller! 6 high quality images in a rotating cube gallery are guaranteed clicks. Cube comes in one standard size with the option to include an advertiser’s logo, 6 images, and captions. When clicked, the cube will direct the reader to DIFFERENT sites, depending on image. Amazing cube ads shine using square images with a width above 300px on the latest browser.

Event Tracking

In addition to core event tracking, this ad format also tracks these events:

  • Next Picture: The user clicked into the next image
  • Last Picture: The user clicked into the last image
  • Front Click: The user clicked the image on the front of the cube
  • Back Click: The user clicked the image on the back of the cube
  • Right Click: The user clicked the image on the right of the cube
  • Left Click: The user clicked the image on the left of the cube
  • Top Click: The user clicked the image on the top of the cube
  • Bottom Click: The user clicked the image on the bottom of the cube
  • Paused: The cube's rotation was paused by a user hovering the ad.

Setup / Inputs

These are the fields / inputs taken to generate this ad. In general, inputs are not required. That said, these inputs are how you customize the ad!

Size (width)
The width of the ad (fixed)
Size (height)
The height of the ad (fixed)
Logo Width
The width of the top logo, if supplied - % or px
Default Destination (Required)
The default destination for the user will go when they click the ad.
Open New Tab
This will allow the ad to open new tab once clicked.
Front Image
Default Value
The image to use for the front of the cube
Front Image Caption (Optional)
A caption for the front image. You can use '[1star]' or '[5star]' to auto-inject stars
Back Image
Default Value
The image to use for the back of the cube
Back Image Caption (Optional)
A caption for the back image. You can use '[1star]' or '[5star]' to auto-inject stars
Right Image
Default Value
The image to use for the right side of the cube
Left Image
Default Value
The image to use for the left side of the cube
Top Image
Default Value
The image to use for the top of the cube
Bottom Image
Default Value
The image to use for the bottom of the cube
Auto Slideshow Timeout
Set to 0 to disable the auto slideshow
Show Navigation
Whether or not to show navigation or directional arrows. Without captions or navigation, this is purely a cube.
Fully Contained
By default, the 3D animation will be shown to full effect, even overlapping neighboring elements. This may affect clicking on other ads. Change this to yes if the cube is interfering with a neighboring element.

Embed An Example In Your Media Kit

Customers who wish to embed the example on some "Media Kit" page on their website can do so in one of two ways:

Option 1: If you have Wordpress and the Broadstreet plugin, you can use this shortcode anywhere in any post to render the example.

[broadstreet ad="37648"]

Option 2: If you do not have Wordpress, or choose not install the Broadstreet plugin, you can embed this javascript code snippet into your post:

<div street-address="37648"></div><script>
    (function(d, s) {
    var destination = '%%CLICK_URL_ESC%%';
    var js, bjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];
    js = d.createElement(s); js.async = true;
    js.src = "//"
        + (window.broadstreet ? 'init=0' : '')
        + (destination.indexOf('CLICK_URL_ESC') >= 0
        ? '' : '&destination=' + destination);
    bjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, bjs);
    }(document, 'script'));</script>