After creating a network you may need to go back and edit or add information. In addition to editing the optional information entered when a network is created, you can update more advanced settings for a network such as email alerts, automatic campaign removal and time zones.
The directions below will walk you through how to update a network and the additional fields you can enter information for.
Locate a Network
If you only have one network tied to your Broadstreet account then you can skip this step, you are already on the needed network home page. If you have multiple networks then proceed with the directions in this section.
Navigate to the drop down option at the top of the screen next to the left menu. You will see the name of your network in the dropdown box. Click the dropdown.

In the dropdown options select All Networks. This will open up the Networks page where you can see all networks that have been created with your account. Click on the network name you want to make adjustments to.
Edit a Network
On the homepage of a network, click the Edit Network button in the top menu.
On the page that opens you can enter and edit the following information:
The name this network will be identified by.
Home URL
This is a space to enter the URL of the website that the ads for this network will be running and the zones will be placed on.
Company Logo
Here you can upload an image to attach to a network by clicking Choose a file.
Enable Light Mode
Light mode is simply a color scheme for the software. By default, Broadstreet displays with a black background on the web pages with gray and white font, all Broadstreet documentation contains screenshots using that display method. Switching to light mode will reverse that color scheme.
Adserver Whitelabel Domain
Domain whitelabeling can help avoid ad-blocking for your ads. For more information, reach out to and we will help you set this up!
CDN Whitelabel Domain
Domain whitelabeling can help avoid ad-blocking for your ads. For more information, reach out to and we will help you set this up!
Time Zone
Click the field and select the correct timezone for your network, this will affect the timestamp on analytics collected for the network. Before changing your time zone, take a look at the article here to see how it might affect any saved campaigns.
Campaign Status Emails
Enable this option if you want network administrators to receive daily emails with a report of campaigns that have expired or will be expiring soon.
Auto Scrubbing
Enable this option if you want Broadstreet to automatically delete campaigns after they have reached either their end date or campaign goal.
When you have finished editing the desired network information, click Edit Network in the bottom to apply the changes.
You will also notice a section for Network Administrators. More information can be found on network administrators in the article here.