Can’t Get Zone Code

If you’re having trouble accessing your Zone code, check if you have an ad blocker running. A fairly common symptom of this is when you click on the “get zone code” link and nothing happens. If that’s happening to you, disable any ad blocker software and try again. That should sort things, but if not […]

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Why Did Campaigns Delete Themselves?

If you’ve seen some older inactive campaigns disappear, it sounds like our automated campaign scrubbing at work. The system will automatically remove inactive campaigns after its end date.

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Cloudflare Preventing Ad Rotation

The caching with CloudFlare can unfortunately prevent ad rotation. If this is happening to you there’s a good chance this can be mitigated with a special CloudFlare option when placing our ad code on the site.

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How to delete my account

While we’re sorry to see you go, we want to make it as easy as possible to leave. If you’d like to delete or cancel your account you can send us an email at

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