There are some cases where a single advertiser may be sponsoring a single post, page, or section of your website. In the case of sponsored content, for example, some publishers offer the option to surround the content with an advertiser’s creatives in all available ad units.

Single Advertiser to a page or section can be achieved through a combination of campaign Keyword Targeting and Campaign Weighting.

Step 1: Keyword Targeting

To target a specific site section, like the “Style” section, the adserver will need to know when that page is calling for ads. This is achieved by passing keywords from the page via javascript options in the zone’s ad tag.

Broadstreet’s WordPress plugin automatically passes keywords to the adserver. The keywords in that case would be:

  • The post “slug,” if applicable
  • The page “slug,” if applicable
  • The category “slug,” if applicable

In WordPress’ case, targeting the Style section will very likely involve using a keyword passed to the adserver named “style” — this can be verified by checking the slug for the Style category is indeed “style” on the categories page in the WordPress admin section.

Non-wordpress sites can pass keywords to the adserver in the page’s javascript call to, like this:

<script>{ keywords: ['style-section-homepage', 'id-12345', 'any-keyword-here], softKeywords: true });</script>

The softKeywords argument that was passed above is required for this example and described in more detail on the keywords document.

Step 2. Set the Required Campaign Settings

Now that the appropriate keywords are being passed to the adserver, it’s time to create a campaign that targets that specific section.

Create any ads, if you haven’t already, that should appear on the Style page.

Next, you’ll need to add them to individual campaigns. A 1:1 ad-to-campaign setup needed in order to override a current limitation the adserver imposes to prevent the same campaign from being duplicated on a page.

Once the campaigns are created, edit each campaign and click the “Keywords” tab. For the example above, we would enter this keyword: style-section-homepage — and then check off the “Keyword Exclusivity” box. This will target the campaign exclusively to any page that passes the style-section-homepage keyword.

Next, click the “Weighting” tab. Set the campaign weight to “Sponsorship.” This will guarantee that the campaign takes priority over all others.


At this point, you will have one or more campaigns that land exclusively on a page or section of your website. It should be noted that Broadstreet’s keywords functionality can also achieve this scenario with the “softKeywords:false” option, which restricts zones to only showing campaign with matching keywords. A combination of softKeywords:false and Keyword Exclusivity would be required — there’s more on that in the keywords article.