To place Broadstreet zone code inside Google Ad Manager follow the steps below.

Step 1: Log into both Broadstreet and Google Ad Manager account.

Step 2: Next create the zone that will be running in GAM. For help creating a zone inside of Broadstreet please see this article.

Step 3: After creating the zone in the top right of the screen select Get Zone Code.

Where to fine Broadstreet zone code.

Step 4: When the zone code module pops up you will copy the first two code snippets.

Step 5: Navigate over to GAM account.

Step 6: Select Delivery –> Creatives in the left sidebar

Step 7: Pick advertiser and select the 3rd Party Creative option.

Step 8: Name the creative and place the code snippets you copied from Broadstreet into the input area. **Ignore the notice about not recognizing the tag**

Step 9: Save Creative.

Step 10: Begin running Ad