Update a Campaign

Sometimes, in the process of working with a client, there need to be edits and changes made to an existing campaign. Every aspect of a campaign can be easily edited in Broadstreet at any time; simply open the campaign that needs changes, make your changes, and save the changes! The directions below walk you through […]

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Delete a Campaign

When a campaign has run its course and will no longer be used by an advertiser, you may want to delete the campaign. It is important to note that deleting a campaign cannot be undone. Oftentimes it makes more sense to pause a campaign from running or archive the campaign to clear up your dashboard […]

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Pause or Archive Campaigns

Every campaign has the option to be marked as Paused or Archived. The options may sound like they perform similar actions, but the use cases for pausing versus archiving a campaign are very different. Pausing campaigns manually prevents ads from running while archiving campaigns simply reduces visual clutter on an advertiser’s page without affecting the […]

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Create a Campaign

Campaigns are the organization of what ads appear in what zones and how often across your site. In order to create a campaign in Broadstreet, you will first need to have created advertisers, created advertisements, and created zones for ads to appear in.  The directions below walk you through how to create a new campaign. […]

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Understanding Campaign Weights

Campaigns are the organization of what ads appear in what zones and how often across your site. Sometimes, more than one campaign will be scheduled to display ads in the same zones. Campaign weights are a tool that allows you to control which campaigns will get the most share of voice when multiple campaigns use […]

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Clone a Campaign

Sometimes you need to make a campaign that shares similar features and information to an existing one; rather than going through nearly identical campaign setups, you can simply clone an existing campaign and make the necessary edits from there.  A cloned campaign will have all of the same information that the original campaign contains, the […]

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Impression Pacing for Your Campaign

Some publishers choose to sell their inventory by the number of ad impressions. This creates a question of exactly how quickly those impressions should be delivered, commonly referred to as “campaign pacing” or “impression pacing.”

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