Advertisers are the basic building blocks of Broadstreet software. Advertisers are businesses that are purchasing ad space on your website. Before anything else can be done, a new advertiser needs to be added into Broadstreet. 

Broadstreet advertisers can be created in just a couple of minutes. You can either utilize the Quick Start lookup when making your advertiser, or Manually Enter the needed information. 

The directions below walk you through how to create a new advertiser.

Add an Advertiser 

Navigate to the Advertisers option in the left side menu.

This opens the Advertisers page in Broadstreet. Here you can see a list of all existing advertisers in the program. To add a new advertiser, click + New Advertiser in the top right corner.

A side panel opens with the fields necessary to create a new advertiser. You have two options on how to proceed: 

Quick Start an Advertiser

Instead of manually entering information about the business that is your new advertiser, you can simply look them up. To use quick start, select Launch Business Finder

In the map page that opens, enter the advertiser’s business address. When the business is located, click Use Place

Broadstreet will automatically search the internet for the selected business’ logos. You can select one of the results from the search as the business logo.

If you have a logo for the company, you can upload it from one of the many options along the left menu. Images can be uploaded from everything from Instagram, to direct links and more.

Selecting an image opens a preview page where you can crop, rotate, edit and customize the image. When you’re happy with your image, select Add.

You will be brought back to the side panel for creating advertisers. The only information left is the option to enter the Company Website for the new advertiser. This information will be stored to use as a destination url for one-click advertisements.

Once finished, click Create Advertiser to complete the process. You now have a new advertiser in Broadstreet!

Manually Start an Advertiser

You can easily add the information necessary to create an advertiser in Broadstreet. If you do not want to look up a business in Quick Start, simply scroll past it and fill in the following information:


Enter the name of the advertiser.

Advertiser Logo

Click to Choose a file. A page will open where you can either upload an image from your computer, an online storage platform or social media. You can choose to search Google for a business’ logo to use. 

Selecting an image opens a preview page where you can crop, rotate, edit and customize the image. When you’re happy with your image, select Add.

You will be brought back to the side panel for creating advertisers. The only information left is the option to enter the Company Website for the new advertiser. This information will be stored to use as a destination URL for one-click advertisements.

Once finished, click Create Advertiser to complete the process. You now have a new advertiser in Broadstreet!