A global campaign status report is one of the three reports tailored for a publisher’s internal use in Broadstreet. For an overview of all the different reports available in Broadstreet, see the documentation here.  

The global campaign status report allows you to see how you have campaigns scheduled for your different advertisers over a period of time. The report also provides a quick way to see how those campaigns are doing and if there are some approaching their expiration date. 

To understand how to run and download a global campaign status, read through the summary sections below.


Run a Global Campaign Status Report

Navigate to the Home option in the left side menu.

In the top menu, select Global Campaign Status.

This brings you to the Campaign Status Report page. Here you can see every campaign that is running in the designated times, their status, and their analytics. In the top right you will see two sets of dates. The leftmost date is the time you want to start to display information from and the rightmost date is the last date you want to display information through. 

To change the dates your report covers, click inside the date field. A calendar will populate below the field. Use the arrows in the top right of the calendar to move between calendar months and click the day on the calendar to populate it in the field. Click Go! to run your report.

Toggle Calendar View

For scheduling purposes you may prefer to see what campaigns are scheduled across dates on a calendar rather than in a chart. This can be done by selecting Toggle Calendar View in the top right of the Campaign Status Report page.

The report view will change to a calendar format. Below the calendar is a color coded key to tell the status of a campaign at a glance. You can view the calendar in terms of months, weeks, or a day by selecting the view in the top right. You can move between the dates displayed with the top left arrows.

To return to the normal table view of the campaign data, simply click Toggle Calendar View again.

Download a Global Campaign Status Report

If you want to keep a copy of your report, select Download as CSV. The CSV file will download onto your local device for later use and review. 

The location of the download button depends on what view you are in. If you are in the table view, then the download button is located underneath the campaign table to the right. If you are in calendar view, then the download button will populate above the calendar to the right.