Web Analytics

Want statistics on your site visitors without the confusion of Google Analytics?  Broadstreet’s Web Analytics provides a quick and visually friendly way to see how pages on your site are doing for traffic and engagement.  In this article we’ll go over the basics of Web Analytics:  Locate Web Analytics Navigate to the Web Analytics option […]

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Automatic Reports

Broadstreet allows you to set up automatic advertisement reports that will be emailed to advertiser admins on a scheduled basis. The information included in the automatic reports matches the Overall Reports that can be run in Broadstreet. For more information on Overall Reports see the documentation here.  Note that all advertiser admins will receive the […]

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Understanding Reports

Reports provide a quick and easy to understand way for you to check in on how your advertisements and campaigns are performing.  There are several different kinds of reports that you can run and share in Broadstreet. The types of reports can be broken into two broad categories: reports meant for your internal use as […]

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Report History

When you generate a report from a dynamic link, Broadstreet keeps a record of that report. This means that you can easily return to look at the results of previous reports without having to download and keep track of each previous record.  For reference, Overall Reporting and Advanced Reporting allow you to create dynamic links […]

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Overall Reporting

The overall report is one of the two reports tailored for sending to advertisers in Broadstreet to show them the analytics of all of their active advertisements. For an overview of all the different reports available in Broadstreet, see the documentation here.   This report displays the analytics for individual advertiser ads through a set period […]

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Campaign Status Report

A campaign status report is one of the reports tailored for a publisher’s internal use in Broadstreet. For an overview of all the different reports available in Broadstreet, see the documentation here.   The campaign status report allows you to see how you have campaigns scheduled for your different advertisers over a period of time. The […]

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Zone Performance Report

A zone performance report is one of the reports tailored for a publisher’s internal use in Broadstreet. For an overview of all the different reports available in Broadstreet, see the documentation here.   The zone performance report allows you to see how the different zones you have set up on your site are performing. Problems with […]

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Advanced Reporting

The advanced report is one of the two reports tailored for sending to advertisers in Broadstreet to show them the analytics for an individual advertisement. For an overview of all the different reports available in Broadstreet, see the documentation here.   This report displays the analytics for individual advertiser ads through a set period of time. […]

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Global Reporting

A global report is one of the reports tailored for a publisher’s internal use in Broadstreet. For an overview of all the different reports available in Broadstreet, see the documentation here. The global report allows you to quickly see how the advertisements across all your advertisers are performing during a given time period in terms […]

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