Reports provide a quick and easy to understand way for you to check in on how your advertisements and campaigns are performing. 

There are several different kinds of reports that you can run and share in Broadstreet. The types of reports can be broken into two broad categories: reports meant for your internal use as a publisher, and reports that are meant to be sent and shared with advertisers. All of the report types can be downloaded in CSV form and some have dynamic links where reports can be generated in real time. All reports generated from dynamic links can later be accessed under Report History. More information on report history can be found here.

Advertiser reports have some more advanced sharing options and can in some cases be set up so that the reports are sent automatically. More information on automatic reports can be found here.

Note that any deleted advertisers, advertisements or campaigns, will not appear in reports as the data has been removed from Broadstreet.

To understand which report you want to run for your situation, read through the summary of report types below.

Internal Use Reports

Broadstreet has reports specifically meant for a publisher’s internal use. The reports are global in nature and show analytics for every advertiser, campaign, zone, and advertisement in your account. 

Global Reporting

This report gives you, as a publisher, a broad overview of how all of your advertisements have been performing during a set period of time. You can see the number of advertisements, views, hovers, clicks and other analytics as well as download the information as a CSV from Broadstreet. 

For more information see the documentation here

Campaign Status Report

This report gives you an overview of all of your campaigns and their analytics for a set period of time. You can see the numbers for all campaigns across different advertisers in one place, download the information as a CSV and see campaigns that are expiring soon. 

For more information see the documentation here

Zone Performance Report

This report lets you know how different zones on your site perform in general with impressions. You can also quickly find out if there’s a problem with the campaigns running in your zones by checking the fill rate of your zones. This can help you understand how your zones do in terms of overall impressions as well as highlight any campaign problems quickly. 

For more information see the documentation here

Advertiser Reports

Broadstreet also has reports that are specifically meant for a publisher to share with their advertiser and show the performance of their advertising. The reports only show information for the specifically selected advertiser.

Overall Reporting

This report can be shared with an advertiser as a CSV download or as a URL. The report details every one of the advertisers ads in a given time period with analytics on it’s performance. 

For more information see the documentation here

Advanced Reporting

This report can be shared with an advertiser as a CSV download and details the analytics and events surrounding a single advertisement during a set period of time.

For more information see the documentation here