In order for your advertisements and campaigns to display on your website, you need to add some code from Broadstreet to your site. Before you get ready to add code to your Blogger site, you should first have created some zones, advertisements, and campaigns for your site. You can find more information on creating zones, advertisements and campaign in the articles below:
To add Broadstreet zones to your Blogger site you must first add some header code from any zone on Broadstreet to your site’s header. After that, every zone has its own unique zone code that should be added where you want ads to display on your site.
The directions below will describe the basics of setting up Broadstreet on a Blogger site.
Locating Script and Zone Codes
Remember that zones are like the containers or spaces you want to place your advertisements in. Once you’ve created zones in Broadstreet, you need to add the code for these spaces to your website.
Navigate to the Zones option in the left side menu.
This opens the Zones page in Broadstreet. Here you can see a list of all existing zones in the program. Locate the zone that you want to add to your website and click the to the far right.
The extended menu will open. Select Get Code.

This opens the Zone Code page. Along the top tabs, select Javascript (Standard). There are two boxes of code you will need to copy and paste.

The first box of code contains header code. header code must be added to your site before anything else is done and only needs to be added a single time. It does not matter which zone you choose, header code remains the same for your Broadstreet network and only needs to be added to your Blogger site once. This code allows Broadstreet to work with your site.
The second box of code contains zone code, which needs to be added individually on every page where you want zones to appear. This code is saving and placing your Broadstreet zones onto your website pages.
Add Header Code to Blogger
Follow the directions above to locate the header code for your site. Copy the header code from the first box in the Zone Code screen.

Open your Blogger site.
Click to add an HTML/Javascript gadget in the header of a page. Once the block is on the page, paste the header code and save the page.
For more information on Blogger see their documentation here.
You only have to do this process once. Now all that is left is to add your individual zones to the pages you want them displayed; follow the directions below to accomplish this.
Add Zone Code to Blogger
For every zone you want to display on your site, you will need to add the zone code to the web page in the location you want ads to display. Use the section above to locate the zone code for the zone you’re adding. Copy the zone code from the second box in the Zone Code screen.

Open your Blogger site.
Click to add an HTML/Javascript gadget wherever it is you want your zone to display ads. Once the block is on the page, paste the zone code and save the page.
For more information on Blogger see their documentation here.
Repeat this step with every zone you want on your site, in every location you want the zones to appear.