You’ve generated your nice client-facing report, but what does all the detail in the report mean? Each extended report is broken down into an overall ad summary page and then geo-data for the ad. The geo-data can be turned off for your advertiser if you only want the first summary page. You can remove that information by following the steps here.

Summary Page

The first page in your Extended Report gives you a summary of how the ad performed over the selected date range. This page provides the basic information on views, clicks, and hovers.
See what defines a view, click, and hover here.

Overall Ad Data

At the very top of your extended report, you’ll see either your advertiser’s logo or your own logo. It’s best to make an internal decision on which logo you’d like to display. If you want the advertiser’s logo, all you need to do is upload a logo to their profile. You can see how to do that here.

Next, you’ll see the name of your ad as listed inside Broadstreet.

Directly underneath the ad’s name, you’ll see the ad’s views, hovers, and clicks over the selected date range. Next to this information, you’ll see a small snapshot of what the ad looks like. And finally all the way to the right, you’ll see the ad’s Click Rate.

Graphical Data

The interactive graph breaks down your views and clicks by day. If you hover over a specific date, you will see the number of views or clicks received on that date.

On the Views by Day graph, you can also flip through these arrows and see the graphical breakdown of Views, Hovers, or Clicks individually

Extra Analytics

Below the graphs, you’ll see some additional data. Depending on how your ad performed, you might see a combination of any of these pieces of analytics:

  • Most Viewed Day of the Week
  • Most Viewed Time of the Day
  • Most Clicked Time of the Day
  • How Many Times the Industry Average the ad performed
  • Mobile vs Desktop Percentage Breakdown
  • Time of First Click
  • Seen on X number of Unique Pages

Depending on the ad format your ad is using, you might see “Extended Events” underneath your Click Rate. This will be ad format specific data. For example, if using a video ad, you might see the number of pauses the video received.

Breakdown by City (Top 5)

The top 5 cities where your ad received most of its events. Events can include clicks, hovers, impressions or any extended event available for that ad format (for example, pausing a video ad).

Detailed Click Data

A detailed list of all click events. This list tells you:

  • When the click occurred
  • The region, city, and postal code the click came from
  • The ISP the click came from

Detailed Event Data Top ISP

This is the top percentage of ISP data on all your ad’s events.