Broadstreet offers the option to archive unused advertisements. Archiving an advertisement means that the ad will no longer be available to add to campaigns but that you will keep the data and analytics associated with the advertisement. 

The process to archive an advertisement is a simple process that keeps important analytics for your reports. Archived ads can easily be viewed at any time and changed to active again.

The summaries below walk you through the details and steps of archiving and unarchiving advertisements.

Archive an Advertisement

Navigate to the Advertisers option in the left side menu.

This opens the Advertisers page in Broadstreet. Here you can see a list of all your advertisers within Broadstreet.  Locate the advertiser whose ad you need to archive and click on the advertiser name. 

The page for the individual advertiser opens. There’s a section specifically forAdvertisements. Click the extended menu next to the advertisement you want to archive and select archive

View an Archived Advertisement

Navigate to the Advertisers option in the left side menu.

This opens the Advertisers page in Broadstreet. Here you can see a list of all existing advertisers in the program.  Locate the advertiser whose ad you need to view and click on the advertiser name. 

This opens the individual advertiser’s page. In the top right corner, click the extended menu and click Show Archived

You can now see all archived advertisements. To return to the active advertisements, click Show Active inside the same extended menu.

Unarchive an Advertisement

To unarchive an advertisement, the first step is to navigate to the archived advertisement as established in the directions above. The next step is to locate the advertisement on the page and click the extended menu to the right of the advertisement name and click Unarchive