A zone performance report is one of the three reports tailored for a publisher’s internal use in Broadstreet. For an overview of all the different reports available in Broadstreet, see the documentation here.  

The zone performance report allows you to see how the different zones you have set up on your site are performing. Problems with the fill rate in a zone can indicate problems rendering an ad on your site that could require some campaign adjustments.

To understand how to run, download, and use a zone performance report to understand your performance, read through the summary sections below.

Run a Zone Performance Report

Navigate to the Zones option in the left side menu. 

This opens the Zones page in Broadstreet. In the top menu, select Performance.

This brings you to the Zone Performance Report page. Here you can see every active zone and the analytics for that zone in the designated time. 

In the top right you will see two sets of dates. The leftmost date is the time you want to start to display information from and the rightmost date is the last date you want to display information through. 

To change the dates your report covers, click inside the date field. A calendar will populate below the field. Use the arrows in the top right of the calendar to move between calendar months and click the day on the calendar to populate it in the field. 

There is also an option to Group the zone analytics in the report. Click the dropdown next to the report dates and select if you want to see the zone analytics in alphabetical zone name order, or if you would like the information to be grouped by month. When you’ve made your selections, click Go! to generate your report.

Download a Global Zone Performance Report

If you want to keep a copy of your report, scroll to the bottom of your table data and select Download as CSV. The CSV file will download onto your local device for later use and review. 

Understanding Potential Fill Rate Discrepancies 

You may notice in your report that some zones do not have a 100% fill rate. Here are two possible reasons for a lower fill rate than expected:

      1. The campaign(s) targeted to that zone might have been paced out for the hour and there were no ads to display. In that case the campaign will be visible again at the start of the next hour. More information on campaigns and pacing can be found in the article here.
      2. There may also be targeting (geotargeting or keyword targeting) set on the campaign that prevents ads from rendering in the zone for a given set of pages. This will naturally limit the ability of campaigns to display on certain pages. More information on campaigns and targeting can be found in the article here.