The overall report is one of the two reports tailored for sending to advertisers in Broadstreet to show them the analytics of all of their active advertisements. For an overview of all the different reports available in Broadstreet, see the documentation here.
This report displays the analytics for individual advertiser ads through a set period of time. You can see information such as views, hovers, clicks, and CTR. There is the option to download this report as a CSV and send to clients as well as an option to send a dynamic url link so that advertisers can run the report with their own custom dates.
Run an Overall Report for an Advertiser
Navigate to the Advertisers option in the left side menu.
This opens the Advertisers page in Broadstreet. Here you can see a list of all existing advertisers in your network. Locate the advertiser you want to run the report for.
The page for the individual advertiser opens. In the top menu select Overall Reporting
This brings you to the overall report page. In the top right you will see two sets of dates. The leftmost date is the time you want to start to display information from and the rightmost date is the last date you want to display information through.
To change the dates your report covers, click inside the date field. A calendar will populate below the field. Use the arrows in the top right of the calendar to move between calendar months and click the day on the calendar to populate it in the field. Click Go! to run your report.
There are two ways you can share the overall report, with a CSV download, or a dynamic link. Both are detailed in the sections below.
Download Report
If you want to download a copy of the report, select Download as CSV. The CSV file will save onto your local device for later review and to send as an attachment to advertisers.
Send a Dynamic Report Link
If you want to impress your advertisers and let them control the time periods they can view reports for, you can send them a dynamic report link. On the overall report page, select Extended Report.
A new tab will open where the extended report for that advertiser can be generated. Just like when you normally run an overall report, there are date options at the top of the screen. There is even an option so that the user can choose whether they only see active ads, or also see any ads that may have been archived and their data.
Once the desired dates are selected, click Generate Report, and all the analytics will populate in a nice client-facing report.
- From here, you can email the report by clicking the share icon
- You can download the report as a PDF
- You can get a Public Preview Link to send the URL to your advertiser from your Report History